Welcome to the Unapologetically Abundant podcast. I will take you on journey of self-worth discovery by elevating your energy and connecting with your soul, while offering simple steps and tools you can use right now, to create a healthy and empowered life you love!
Friday Dec 24, 2021
How to create stressfree Christmas and receive the biggest gift
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Whether you are celebrating Christmas or not you will be feeling the collective energy around you.
And that will give you two options:
You can either be stressing about spending money, not having enough time, worrying about calories and feeling rushed.
You can see Christmas time to be the time to slow down, to re-assess, re-align and to be fully present.
Because my love is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and those around you.
To be fully present, joyful and happy.
Imagine a world that we are really feeling all thankful, present, and joyful.
Even if for one day, heck even for a moment, if we are all in the vibration of appreciation and being present we are shifting the energy of the whole world.
So I invite you today to ask yourself:
How can I be even more present?
How can I celebrate what is?
How can I slow down?
What can I appreciate?
You are such a special gift to this world, my love.
Allow the Universe to unpack you with all your wholeness and share yourself with the world.
It needs you.
I love you, I see you, I receive you!
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
How to use yoga to bring out your best self with Mary Ochsner
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
On this episode, we talked about:
Building community around you
Being the best version of yourself
Getting used to our routine
Listening to curiosity
Discovering your intuition
Becoming comfortable in the discomfort
Searching for instant gratification
Helping as many people as you can
Showing up today and putting in the work
Be present and feel your body
"I started to feel comfortable, confident and loving with my own body when I practice yoga"
"One of my biggest changes was being able to press pause and slow down, observe and just be able to sit with that"
"My biggest goal is to help people who want to start their own yoga practice, break down the barriers and show them the steps to start"
About Mary:
Is being stressed and overwhelmed your “normal”?
It was also for Mary until she tried her first yoga class. After the relief, clarity, and sense of connection she experienced she wanted everyone to have that feeling too.
She learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
And tasted the feeling of patience versus instant gratification that we are surrounded with nowadays.
You can connect with Mary on Instagram where she posts her amazing yoga videos for anyone who wants to dive into the practice.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/maryochsner/
And because I am seeing so many results in my life and my clients I am creating mini sessions for Human Design reading that will reveal to you how to be Abundantly Aligned in your life too.
DM me the words ABUNDANTLY ALIGNED to get on a waiting list when we launch in January
Or email me hello@petiakolibova.com
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
As we are approaching the end of the year you might be looking back and not feel fulfilled.
All those New Year's goals and resolutions that didn’t come true might be weighing on you.
I am here to reveal for you why you might not have manifested your desires yet and also of course to give you the know-how in 2022 to do it differently.
If you are anything like me you have probably been setting goals with all the details, deadlines and specifications.
Some of them might come true and many you didn’t even remember the week after you wrote them down.
I have been the same way and it can actually work for me because I am a specific manifestor in a human design.
See, the world is conditioning us and telling us that we all have to just go and JUST DO IT.
That we have to be detailed, and specific and plan otherwise we can’t fulfill our desires.
And that is not true for all of us.
Some people are not designed to be specific because they are non-specific manifestors.
When you download your human design chart (can do it free at the link below) :
Looking at your chart on the right bottom arrow by your head on the body chart you will see if you are specific or nonspecific.
If you are specific the arrow will be pointing to the left
If you are nonspecific the arrow will be pointing to the right
Just by knowing this information can totally revolutionize your world!
Because as a specific manifestor you can get into all the specifics, details, and it will help you get clarity to your desires.
It is like writing an order to the universe.
As a nonspecific manifestor you get to be general with your desires.
You get to just have a general idea, general direction and then literally surrender to the Universe and let it surprise you.
Because what the Universe plans for you is so much bigger.
Getting clear on your desires by design:
Specific manifestor NonSpecific Manifestor
$120.000 income $80.000 or more annual income
Living in 5 bedroom one story home with pool Living in a comfortable home
Traveling to Europe for a month
Have the freedom to explore
Having weekly dates to new places with my husband Feeling like the only one with my man
And the list goes on and on….
You get the point, my love.
There is no one right way to do things and to live in alignment.
And because I am seeing so many results in my life and my clients I am creating mini sessions for Human Design reading that will reveal to you how to be Abundantly Aligned in your life too.
DM me the words ABUNDANTLY ALIGNED to get on a waiting list when we launch in January
Or email me hello@petiakolibova.com
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
How to create magnetic marketing using human design with Kiara Maree
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
In this episode, we talked about:
Coming back to our true self
Finding the way that we are
Taking action instead of working really hard
Feeling happy and fulfilled in your life
Who do I get to attract in my journey
Allowing your intuition to take action
Nourishing and taking care of others
Expanding and serving more people
Considering your energetic wave
Learning to trust your intuition
We are here to create something new
Honoring ourselves and our frequency first
"Is this bringing me passion? Is this making me feel really good? Because if it isn't, you can just release it from your life"
"Release yourself, and just take it day by day, moment by moment and decision by decision"
"At the end of the day, it's really just about what fills your soul and your wellness"
About Kiara:
Kiara Maree is an Energy Marketing Magician™️️ for soulpreneurs looking to super-charge their marketing magnetism in alignment to their human design. Merging her marketing mastery from over a decade building world-famous brands in the corporate world, with her life's learnings in energetics; she is here to help others quantum leap beyond the ordinary world and dive into the uncharted waters of multi-dimensional business.
Free Human Design for Marketing Bundle- https://bit.ly/3x7DpH9
Website- https://kiaramaree.co/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/kiaramareeco/
And if you are open and eager for help and support we are hosting our Heal the Healer retreat on January 11 2022 in the magical Tulum.
It is your chance to rise and be unapologetically abundant.
Because only when you are being unapologetically YOU, you can create true abundance.
See the link below for details:
I will see you in Tulum!
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Why do you owe it to the world to be unapologetic
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Unapologetically abundant can sound like a cool name, yet when you hear the story of why I chose this name it might open your mind even more.
As many of you, I come from a place of people-pleasing and trying to belong.
Being afraid to say something wrong, to not be ridiculed and cast out of the circle.
Not sure when exactly it started yet I know it got so strong when I moved with my parents from big city to small town and kids were laughing at me and literally were pushing me out of their circles.
Those were the times that I put a mask on and started to make up things, stories, and do silly stuff just to be seen, just to look interesting.
And I carry this with me for most of my life.
I thought I am not special enough, smart enough, popular enough, simply said….
I was deeply in scarcity thinking I am not enough.
The moment that another boyfriend cheated on me, after crying on my knees, finishing up a bottle of red wine, I promised myself NO MORE.
No more people-pleasing, no more trying to fit, no more losing myself in a relationship….
That was the moment that I declared that I will be ME. Whether people like it or not.
Something magical started to unfold.
My life started to fill with serendipitous moments and synchronicities.
More and more often the right people came into my life, to show me what is possible and also to show me the contrast of what I transcended and overcame.
It is your responsibility to BE YOU.
Your people can’t find you when you are hiding behind the “shoulds” and your masks.
You owe it to the world to show up fully and to influence those around you by your presence and gifts.
That’s why my clients pay me in full, and they pay 12 months ahead.
Not because of my certifications, my credentials, but because of ME.
I realized that the more ME I am the easier I make it for the Universe to bring me the right people and opportunities.
Where in your life are you still playing it small?
Where in your life can you heal even deeper?
And if you are open and eager for help and support we are hosting our Heal the Healer retreat on January 11 2022 in the magical Tulum.
It is your chance to rise and be unapologetically abundant.
Because only when you are being unapologetically YOU, you can create true abundance.
See the link below for details:
I will see you in Tulum!
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
How to create joy on the awakening journey with Ali Lizzi
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
On this episode, we talked about:
Creating joy and happiness in other's lives
Opening yourself to deep emotions
Teaching myself to learn in a new way
Taking baby steps to make changes
Checking in with yourself first
Being focused and present with yourself
Showing up as your true self
Every day is a choice and enjoy every moment
Inspiring others to what is possible in life
"This is where I am now, but I don't need to be here, this is a choice"
"I really focus on healing what doesn't make me joyful instead of only responding to every problem"
"For you to create the art is an act of bravery, it is the growth, it is the process"
About Ali:
Ali is a Miami-based Intuitive Holy Fire Reiki Master, spiritual artist, and sound practitioner. Ali has spent many years focusing on healing her own trauma, anxiety and depression and knew it was her dharma to take what she has learned and assist others who may be struggling as well. I am a safe, supportive yet powerful lightworker that is dedicated to the healing path and will gladly support you on your journey through Reiki Healing, Sound Healing or Aura Readings.
Friday Dec 03, 2021
How to manifest your desires faster and with more ease
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Do you sometimes feel like you are stuck?
That you keep doing all the work, journaling, doing the inner work, reading, and yet, you feel like your desires are not coming fast enough?
Sometimes we don’t recognize that life has cycles and that the Universe is conspiring to all of them all the time.
See, you can look at a Universe as something that is not working for you, or as a loving parent that always has your back.
That’s how I am choosing to see it anyways.
And in the times that you are frustrated, overwhelmed and extending a lot of energy in your life the Universe can choose to put your manifestation on the back burner.
Not because you are not deserving, but because it wants you to enjoy it fully!
Now, if you are feeling that things have been not manifesting as fast as you want them to check-in:
Where in your life are you feeling overwhelmed?
What in your environment doesn’t feel easy?
How have you been feeling lately?
Is there a space for even more right now?
Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
"Water is also connected to the subconscious realm and every water holds different information"
On this episode, we talked about:
Water as a connection with life
Healing potency of water
Dealing with pain in our life
All elements are sacred
Having the opportunity to shift things
Learning how to listen to the water
Feeling water moving through my senses
About Rocio:
I am a healing artist. I work with water intimately and creatively, becoming an extension of her to touch your body and soul so that you remember who you are, and so you can heal yourself. I am a Vaginal Steam Hydrotherapist, Ceremonialist, Spiritual Counselor, Energy and Sound Healer with a Sociology degree/background.
Born and raised in Los Angeles, the daughter of migrant parents from Michoacan, Mexico, my practice stems from indigenous-based healing, epigenetics, and Women’s Wholeness Medicine fusing water healing techniques to support personal transformation, grief work, sexual trauma, ancestor connection, and womb healing.
My unique work uses water and sound as a SACRED medium to catalyze somatic healing that transcends time and space. Ancestral, intergenerational, conception, womb, birth, and early childhood imprinting gets unveiled through the work. This process allows you to uncover limiting truths and create a more intimate communication with your soul and your healing.
I’ve been practicing healing arts for 20 years. I curate sacred ritualistic healing experiences with water, and specifically natural bodies of water in nature, to enhance the healing potential of the land.
Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Friday Nov 26, 2021
How to stop limiting yourself and live in abundance
Friday Nov 26, 2021
Friday Nov 26, 2021
When you take an honest look at your life, can you see and feel any limitations?
Did you grow up in a place where you were told not to ask too much, not to be too much, not to get too excited?
When we live in a world where we are told there is not enough we are afraid that when one thing is working the others have to crumble.
I am here to remind you today that you can live in a world of this AND that.
Instead of this OR that.
You can truly have it all.
You don’t have to give up on your dreams and desires because others don’t know how to live theirs.
Take a holistic look at your life and see where you are still afraid to shine and thrive because you are afraid others will judge you or that it is too good to be true.
Full permission slips my love to have it all, to enjoy it all.
The relationships, health, freedom, abundance…
You can have this AND that.
Ps. I love you, I see you, I receive you.
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
How to be healing your endometriosis through nutrition with Christie Lee
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
"To help someone and advocate for them is the best feeling in the world for me"
On this episode, we talked about:
Leading people to their passion
Putting ego aside and asking for help
Knowing your inner process of looking
There is always an alternative
Doing things that make you happy
Sharing words of encouragement
Each and every person is different
About Christie:
Christie Lee is a women’s and gut health Accredited Practising Dietitian on a mission to empower you with the knowledge, skills and tools to nurture your body from the inside out.
Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below: