Welcome to the Unapologetically Abundant podcast. I will take you on journey of self-worth discovery by elevating your energy and connecting with your soul, while offering simple steps and tools you can use right now, to create a healthy and empowered life you love!
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Leaning into personal development books
Feeling good from the inside and the outside
Connecting with a higher power
Getting connected to yourself
Showing up better
Finding peace and clarity in life
Getting stuck in the feelings
Feel the feelings now
Creating abundance in your life
Becoming the magnet for your desires
"Learning about yourself and discovering who you are, what feels good and what doesn't feels good"
"Literally all that it's preventing me from having all the things that I want, are the stories that I do in my head"
"When you are in this place of feeling good, you are hyper-aware of what doesn't feel good anymore, so why do you want to put yourself in a situation when you don't feel good?"
About Kelly:
Kelly Chase is an entrepreneur, social influencer, speaker and reality TV star best known for her role as a castmate on the breakaway hit Netflix show, "Love Is Blind". Audiences across the globe fell in love with Kelly for her genuine personality, unwavering confidence and her
commitment to staying true to who she is.
Kelly is the founder of the coaching program "Goddess Magic" which combines business strategy and mindset coaching to help women act like the person they desire to be, improve their confidence, and master their self-worth.
The road to self-love and confidence has been an important part of Kelly's journey. Kelly has overcome a number of personal challenges including body image insecurities and financial debt. As a survivor of sexual assault, Kelly knows how it feels to be voiceless, and has made
it her mission to empower women to find their voice and step into their confidence.
Kelly is a sought-after speaker who shares her story of overcoming personal challenges and motivates others to do the same. With over 400,000 followers on social media, Kelly uses her platform and voice to inspire others to "chase life" and make the most of where they are
in their journey.
Friday Apr 08, 2022
How to stop being slave of time
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Are you a slave to your calendar? 😳
When I was enjoying my morning flow routine I was looking at my free calendar and started to add things to my agenda…
Somehow an empty calendar made me feel weird…
Have you ever felt that way?
Like I “should” always have things on my schedule…
So I wrote down a couple of things I was putting on the back burner as they weren't a priority until now and also a couple of things that would make me feel satisfied at the end of the day…
And then I gave myself full permission to have openness and flow.
See, when we overfill our schedules, just to feel “worthy” and because we feel like we should as the world likes busyness we don’t allow for new things to flow.
We don’t allow for new inspiration to come.
We don’t make space for even more abundance to “fit” in…
Today I’m giving you a full permission slip to get clear on what would satisfy you AND for openness and flow.
Tell me my love, how does an empty schedule make you feel?
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
How to maximize your manifestation powers through meditation with Tara Chatzakis
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
In this episode we talked about:
How we create everything in our life
Diving into different layers of emotions
Law of attraction and manifesting your deepest desires
The body is all energy
Creating a higher vibration
Re-shaping old patterns
Making your body move
Shifting your energy
You're always loved and supported by the universe
"When you're stuck in somewhere where you're not happy, you don't think there's something else that you can do about it"
"Meditation is more about being present and mindful than sitting cross-legged in complete silence"
"The subconscious amplifies what we feel and do during meditation because meditation gets deeper into the subconscious as well"
About Tara:
Tara Chatzakis is a Manifestation & Business Success Coach, passionate about empowering women to manifest abundant business success. Creating strength, power and freedom from within. Because when women step into their flow they create an income and impact that changes lives.
Tara helps her clients release limiting beliefs, old thought patterns and habits that have been holding them back from attracting their success. This level of uncovering deeply rooted blocks allows them to experience intense transformative breakthroughs, opening them up to a new energy of allowing and receiving.
Tara uses meditation to help reprogram her clients' neural pathways, anchoring higher vibration energy in the body and upgrading the body on a cellular level. Shifting the body's addiction from worry, fear and lack to happiness, joy and abundance.
Tara is a certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, a Robbins Madanes Coach, an experienced meditation guide and the host of the Happy Inspired Motivated podcast, currently in the top 3% globally.
Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Friday Apr 01, 2022
To give or not to give your secret sauce and law of reciprocity
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
To give it or not to give all your secrets away?
I just invested hours today into my creative outlet and was baking easy vegan recipes from an account I found on IG.
Gotta love social media when we use them to create more than consume right?
This girl @peanutbutterandjilly shares all her recipes easily online and I was so inspired to bake today and then I’m like this girl is amazing I want to support her and I invested in her new book.
I might never use the book as I like to just go online browse and cook right from there.
Yet even though she shares all online I felt like I want to support her gifts.
There is the law of reciprocity we unconsciously follow (sometimes consciously too.
We feel like we already got something so we want to gift to the generous person too.
Now there are a couple accounts I follow that have great ideas and share inspiration but NO recipes.
You get to buy the book to cook with them.
Which I never did.
The price doesn’t matter.
For me it’s the principle.
When I find value first then I want to also give.
Vs not really knowing what I’m getting and investing.
That’s why I love sharing lots of value on my social media.
I give actionable steps and how I did things and for some people it’s all they need, for some they want to go deeper and not to do it alone and then hire me.
I’m not attached to either.
I love being of service and support other women in their dreams.
How about you?
Are you sharing or storing your secret sauces?
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
How to feel embodied and connected to yourself with Melissa Martin
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Embodiment's all about truth
Honoring what I desire
Taking responsibility for our actions
Feeling disassociated with pleasure
Feeling into the body
Noticing my body and my feelings
Making every experience of life pleasurable
We are emotional beings
You will remember experiences
Listening to your intuition
"Embodiment it's being in my body, being in my purpose, being in my truth, and that means that I am always on the path of bringing presence to my current reality"
"I was choosing unconsciously relationships that would trigger all the bad things in me"
"With great levels of pleasure also comes the polarity of great levels of pain and learning how to hold that"
About Melissa:
Melissa Martin is an abundance expert, business coach, host of the Boldly Courageous podcast, creator of the Ignite Academy for Network Marketers and Co-Founder of Ladies Aligned which is an online media outlet for conscious entrepreneurs.
After losing her job in the Financial Service Industry and landing herself in over $100k of debt, Melissa was introduced to the powerful vehicle of Network Marketing. Over the course of 7 years, Melissa built an organization of over 5,000 people and earned over 1 Million dollars.
After hitting a few plateaus in her business, Melissa began to learn that the key to success was not found in someone else’s strategy, but from doing her own inner work and tapping into her own authentic voice. Taking ownership of her growth and leading from a place of true authenticity eventually led to her speaking on several stages, hosting women empowerment events and leading others to their own version of success.
In 2019 when her network marketing company restructured and she lost her business within 60 days, Melissa decided to pivot out of Network Marketing and teach others in the industry the secrets to building a business from a place of true authenticity and alignment.
Today as a coach, public speaker, event host and content creator, Melissa is passionate about helping people breakthrough money mindset blocks and uncover their self-worth so that they may radiate authentically, lead with authority and attract abundance with ease.
When she’s not serving in her business, you can find Melissa traveling the world, having deep conversations with friends, playing in nature or spending time with her dog Maya.
Friday Mar 25, 2022
How I connected even deeper with my unborn child
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Connection is everything in our lives.
Whether it is the connection to yourself, those around you, or those who were not born yet.
As I shared with you in my past episodes, we declared with my husband that we are open and ready to receive our spirit baby this year.
What I didn’t remember these past couple of months is how everything is connected.
When I was going through shifts and changes in my biz these past couple of months I realized that I haven't been really honest with myself.
And that radical honesty was exactly what I needed to rise above my low energy and feelings of smallness.
Through my breathwork practice with my mentor, I was able to connect to my truth and see clearly that I was not feeling worthy and deserving of having it all.
I was in a place where I thought I could have a successful business OR be an amazing present mother.
I didn’t realize that I gave up on that possibility of being able to have both and didn’t trust myself.
This powerful breathwork session led me into writing a heartfelt letter to my child to apologize for how I subconsciously didn’t even give us a chance.
I apologize for the doubts, fears, and opened my heart to possibilities.
It is through these modalities like breathwork and human design that we can see clearly again and can get clear guidance on our next steps.
What modality helps you to go deeper?
Ps. To experience a breathwork session with me schedule below:
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
How to create a lasting happiness in your life with Carla Simpson
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Living an unconscious life
Discovering how to find happiness in myself
Letting go of expectations
Creating happiness in our life
Creating a daily conscious living
Being the best person that you can be
"I realized that I was living a completely unconscious life, and I wanted to live consciously"
"We have to realize what's not bringing us joy so that we can create space to bring you more of what does"
"If you get silent and come back to your real you, you will be able to find your true happy"
About Carla:
Carla Simpson is a yoga guru, motivational speaker, and world traveler. She opened two successful business franchises, Anytime Fitness, and founded Happy Hot Yoga. Both of these franchises were built from scratch. She is also a host of the podcast Get Happy Hour.
As a motivational speaker, she has traveled from different parts of the globe where she helps and reminds others that happiness is a conscious choice.
Website: https://www.carlamaree.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlamaree.com.au
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carlamareesimpson/
Friday Mar 18, 2022
How to honor your soul’s desire not your small self wants
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Do you ever ask yourself what are you honoring?
The moments you are feeling resistance in your life and are not sure how to move forward I invite you to check IN with yourself like I was invited to by my husband.
Last weekend when I scheduled a meeting with a beautiful soul I have connected online, Missy the astrologer, I completely forgot about the meeting and then I was facing resistance.
The thoughts in my mind were:
Do I really want to go?
I am being so in my flow and creating.
I would have to take a taxi.
I will need to get ready and head out again….
All these thoughts were making me feel smaller, they were irritating and frustrating me.
So I asked my amazing hubby how can I best decide.
He invited me to check in on what I am honoring?
There is no right or wrong AND you get to check IN and see….
Are you honoring your commitments? Are you honoring your word? Are you honoring your body? Are you honoring your energy? Are you honoring the inspired ideas?
Are you honoring your comfort? Are you honoring your ego? Are you honoring your small self who wants to keep you small and exactly where you are?
No right or wrong answer my love,
Just awareness… and awareness is a key to an abundant, fulfilling and joyful life.
What are you honoring today?
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
How to connect with your highest consciousness with Preston Smiles
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Awareness precedes choice
Experiencing our energetical level
Every answer I got I questioned it
There's no an ultimate true
We try to control things when we feel unsafe
Remembering that life is good
Checking in with yourself
The illusion of financial freedom
The God I serve has never made a mistake
Tapping into the power inside of us
Saying yes to the great
"We ask a disempowered question, we get an answer and we believe the answer; what changed for me as I started to question the answers"
"Every human that comes to this planet it's pre-wired to look for safety and approval"
"I declare, claim and accept that I am perfect, whole and complete, I am a unique emanation of the divine"
About Preston:
I AM a messenger of love sent here to remind us all that when we AMPLIFY our LOVE we automatically AMPLIFY our lives. I could list a bunch of things that would make me look “important” and “successful”, but what I want you to know about me is I truly care about people, our planet, and about maximizing my potential. I’m committed to knowing that when I leave this world that my tank was empty, because I gave ALL that I had and then some in the name of LOVE. So whether I’m speaking, leading workshops, writing books, or making conscious content through social media, it’s all in SERVICE of the same thing….LOVE.
Friday Mar 11, 2022
How we opened up the portal to call in our spirit babies
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
This year we are stepping with my husband into a new dimension of our lives.
One that we have never experienced or explored before yet it energetically feels right.
And because I believe that when we are sharing our journey we can inspire others to create their own here I am sharing how we have created a portal to call in our spirit babies.
Last year when I got connected with Dr. Katherine Zagone for a completely different reason than fertility little did I know that we will be in a few months working together.
It makes me smile to realize how grand Life is and how is it always leading us exactly when we need to be and meet who we need to meet.
One of those beautifully aligned connections was Dr. Katherine who helped us to get aligned energetically, physically and healthwise with our super babies, because after the year we had last year (two deaths and one wedding - wasn’t there a movie like that?) we really were thankful to be supported by our Dr.
And yesterday, on March 5th, 2022 we created a private little ceremony at home to open up the portal, the door, for our spirit babies.
So they know we are ready, loving and open.
We created sacred space and honored all the 4 elements:
Fire, water, air, and earth.
We made a sacred cacao and nourishing snacks and declare our vows and promises to babies who chose us as parents.
My husband also did a womb massage with affirmations with our flower oil from Bali.
We are not “trying: to get pregnant.
We are intentional about our conscious conception.
And I am inviting you to do the same.
Whether you are intending to call in your babies, or create other miracles in your life, pause for a little bit, set an intention and be conscious.
It isn’t about achieving the next thing in your life, it is about living the life that fulfills you while evolving.
I love you, I see you, I receive you