Welcome to the Unapologetically Abundant podcast. I will take you on journey of self-worth discovery by elevating your energy and connecting with your soul, while offering simple steps and tools you can use right now, to create a healthy and empowered life you love!
Friday Aug 26, 2022
My first channeled message from Source and how can you channel too
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
And what else can I learn?
I wonder almost daily. See, through my human design and personality I am here to investigate, learn, study…and I have been doing it since I was a little girl.
Hiding myself with books and reading was a safe space for me growing up.
So, even as a little girl I was reading about spirituality, life after life, Shakespeare, and other powerful books that my grandma used to have on her bookshelves.
And just a couple of weeks ago I learned something new that I didn’t plan for or even read in books.
I channeled a message from Source.
When I was journaling in the morning about my very vivid dream about my grandma after a page of me writing something shifted.
It felt like my mind was empty, wide open, and my hand took a life on its own. I was writing very quickly and even my handwriting style changed.
It took just a few minutes but I ended up with a channeled message on a page.
How do I know it was channeled? Are asking my fellow skeptics lol...
Because it felt like me being the observer, not the “doer”, those thoughts and ideas are not mines, I didn’t think them, they flow through me…
There was one page of messages that when I read to my husband they didn’t feel like mine. It was like reading a book and thinking to yourself: That’s a great idea, that sound really interesting. But you didn’t think that ever before.
The highlight that I would love to share with you is this piece of message:
All is well. Trust and Relax.
Pressure won’t help, you are not a diamond.
You are light and light doesn’t need pressure to thrive.
The message was much longer before and after, yet this really really stood out for me.
We are attempting to pressure ourselves, do things to find who we are, what’s our purpose, vs trusting, relaxing and enjoying this physical body while we have it.
If I can channel so can you.
I deeply believe that our beautiful bodies, those vessels for wisdom and divine connections get to be treated as temples.
I am not perfect, and am not pretending to be, yet what helped me to feel with my body that it is a sacred vessel is:
Stop smoking
Stop drinking coffee
Stop drinking alcohol
Becoming vegan
Minimizing processed foods
Not doing fats in the morning
Drinking 32 oz of fresh celery juice in the morning
Making heavy metal detox smoothie each breakfast (based on @medicalmedium)
All these things helped me to have a clearer vessel and to be more connected.
Then you just get to set an intention (and as you can see sometimes even without intention when the environment is right, messages come) and create space for it.
You can just free write, sit down with your journal and let everything and anything that comes come through you and let your hand write.
Your soul wants to be expressed and sometimes we miss the signs around us as we are living busy daily lives.
When we journal, free write, we create a sacred, safe space for messages to come.
If the Source would have a message for you right now, what do you feel it would say to you?
PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
How to get unstuck in your life with Stephanie Moerse
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Do you feel like you can't grow in your business or in life? Are you comfortable with your feelings? How do you feel with the path that you are traveling right now? Do you feel like you are meant for more in your life? Are you taking action to change your life?
Do you feel appreciated and loved?
On this episode we talked about:
how to help people that are "stuck" in life, embracing the way we are and how to feel ok with it, knowing that there´s nothing wrong with ourselves, finding our passions in life, analyzing what we feel and think so we can make a change in ourselves, acknowledging yourself and seeing the progress you can make, and more!
About Stephanie Mearse:
Stephanie Mearse has worked with Desert Capital Management Group since 2014 and was recently promoted to Vice President of the company. Stephanie has a BA in Business Management and an MBA in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. She has been a professional in Marketing for over 15 years. In 2014, 2015, 2016, she received the companies Top Performer Award for her commitment to excellence and outstanding performance.
In her personal life, Stephanie is dedicated to her family, friends, and church. She's actively involved in Rotary Club, The Women’s Thursday Club, and her local Chamber of Commerce. Stephanie is co-Founder of Empower (Women's Networking Group) and was a recent finalist for a local Honorary Mayor position. Married with a young son and daughter, Stephanie is passionate about impacting the lives of others, and helping those she meets to achieve both their professional and personal goals.
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Going from $100 to $13.000 sales with the least effort
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Are you ready for your money breakthrough?
“I finally get it!” she said….
She was so so excited to share with me her first five-figure month.
When I met my dear client Candice last year at a breathwork certification event where we both attended, she was the one I noticed in the room.
Her energy, her calmness, and magic, there was just something about her that really drew me into her field.
Now that I understand my human design even more it doesn’t surprise me. We are both 5/1 profiles in Human Design and we are here to impact strangers. We have karmic relationships with those that we meet.
We are here to impact the world and to create new ways while breaking a new paradigm.
While we were on a bus going on a trip to that event we sat together and we both could feel that connection. Especially when she asked me:
“Can I share something unusual with you?”
And of course, I said YES!
That lead us into a deep conversation about her seeing my grandma during one of our sessions by my side ( my grandma transitioned that past year two months earlier). That conversation was so dear to my heart and I could really see Candice as a very devoted medium, psychic and a guide.
That’s why I couldn’t understand how she could be, with all her wisdom and powerful energy, be working for a couple of thousands dollars in a corporate? And how this magical being could be charging $100 for a mediumship session??
I saw her as the queen who is guiding others to their own divine connections and gifts.
So I hold that vision for her for the months we worked together as that day on the bus she hired me right away as her spiritual business coach.
She left the corporate just a couple of months later and right after the first month she was able to replace her corporate salary with her own business income.
Yet this past month she finally got it.
She finally understood what I was showing her by example and teaching her with my biz strategies.
She made an income in a month of $13.000 and she said she worked the least she ever worked.
What helped her was the inner work, healing her wounded maiden, attending two of my retreats, 1;1 mentorship with me, doing breathwork, walking in your shoes, but also adding the money course and money dates that I taught her.
Of course, there was so much more she added on her journey to abundance, yet what I feel like finally clicked for her was:
Releasing the old beliefs
Reconditioning her mind
Walking in her confidence knowing who she is
Owning her gifts unapologetically
Stepping from the wounded Maiden into the wise mother archetype
And trusting and surrendering
No amount of strategies can really help you if you don’t also align energetically.
It is your turn now….
What do you see yourself making next month?
Ps. If you are ready to rewrite your money stories and create more abundance enjoy this special $200 discount code MYMONEY for my Money Mindset Matters self-study course for only $297.
When checking out just use the coupon code MYMONEY and receive an instant $200 off.
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Having an abundant life
Having a morning practice
Body before business
Community builds immunity
Knowing your limiting belief
Flipping limiting beliefs into affirmations
Choosing to be happy no matter what
You deserve self-love and self-care
"Every emotion comes from fear or love, so the negative emotions come from fear and positive emotions come from love"
"When you are healthy, happy, in love and spiritually connected you're going to attract things with ease"
"In order to feel energetic, we have to fill our cup first, this means that you have to take time for yourself"
About Rebecca:
Rebecca Whitman is a Success Mentor, graduate with honors from Princeton University and author of international bestselling books, “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs,” “Business, Life, Universe” and “How to Make a Six Figure Income Working Part Time.” She was selected as Life Coach of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals. She hosts the top 5% globally ranked “Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant” podcast. Her philosophy divides life into 7 Pillars of Abundance which include: spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social, and financial. She helps people achieve balance within these seven areas so they can experience more fun and freedom in life! In addition to her appearances as an expert on ABC, CBS and has spoken to Columbia University. She has spoken on multiple podcasts and has shared virtual stages with great thought leaders like Grant Cardone, Jack Canfield and Les Brown.
PS Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Do you desire to create a bigger impact and income in your business?
Many of my clients and women who come to me are looking to create even more impact in their lives and also create more prosperity.
What I notice that isn't working in their approach is that they are heavily focusing on one or the other of the dynamics.
They are either putting all their focus on feminine energetics, manifesting, prayers, dancing, journaling, or visualizing.
Or they are deep in the masculine focus on doing, achieving, and planning.
And what I have realized in my own business is that what creates the quantum leaps and not just small steps is when we learn to embrace both.
When you step into the feminine energetics:
Working on healing your past wounds
Aligning with your soul
Connecting to a power bigger than yourself
Being one with your future self and nature
Manifesting, prayers, visualizing
Rewriting your limiting beliefs
And then get clear with your masculine strategies:
Who am I and what kind of life do I desire to live?
What kind of business would support this?
Who do I desire to work with?
How can I be in front of those people?
Who has that audience already?
How can I be seen as an expert and bring value?
Remember that we are always striving for balance, for harmony in our lives.
So, when we are heavily in one or the other energy we are not aligned.
Start blending these two energies, masculine and feminine and see how your business starts blooming and so will you.
I am also teaching on how to create clarity of your vision and success from your soul on our online Soulful Success Experience so make sure to meet me there :) http://SoulfulSuccessExperience.com
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
How to overcome addictions one day at the time with J.D. Frost
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Being able to overcome challenges
Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes
Eliminate fear of others
Deepen compassion and understanding
Every single day is day one
Creating consistency in life
Each day is a gift
Being completely present in life
Choosing one thing to focus on
We all have addictions
Better awareness and choices
Start to be curious about yourself
"It's a miracle to me to get through the day and not get a drink of alcohol"
"If you can find joy in difficult times, you will have your endurance grow"
"If you want to change your life, literally change the first hour of your day every day"
About J.D. :
J.D. Frost is the founder and C.E.O of CROFT & FROST, a firm that transcends traditional accounting and wealth creation. With both a CPA and his MBA, J.D. advises businesses on more than just their financials; he utilizes four foundations of wealth creation to help his clients, partners, and employees build courage and create wealth. As an entrepreneur, he knows what it takes to start— -- and scale— -- a business, and has used his years of experience in accounting to build a solid foundation for each and every one of his clients and businesses. J.D. believes that in order to achieve your personal, professional, and financial goals, you must change the way you think. J.D. coaches his clients, partners, and employees to treat every day like Day 1.
Friday Aug 05, 2022
How to manifest your desires with ease with simple 3 steps
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Friday Aug 05, 2022
Have you also made this mistake?
Doing what everyone else is doing instead of listening to your own inner guidance that Shows you what’s correct for you?
Been there done that 😬
When I followed, invested in and listened to many others who were further ahead of me.
Because I thought if I do exactly what they did I will succeed too.
Yet when most people were teaching me how to succeed they were sharing their unique way of what works for them personally.
So then I taught others what was specific for me.
I’m a specific manifestor and sacral generator so I was teaching that way unconsciously before I learned about human design and understood the depth of how we are each so unique.
Here are three steps that will work for you to manifest your desires even if you’re not deeply familiar with human design.
- Be specific
- (get crystal clear in your goals, desires and wants)
- Be general
- (what would it feel like, look like, to live the life that you desire, and then detach from the how. Let the universe surprise you)
- Focus on the feeling
- (it is the feeling of already having it that will align you with your desires)
Which of these steps works for you the best when manifesting your desires?
Ps. Make sure to join us on our Soulful Success Experience where I along with other 20 speakers guide you on how to create success from your soul.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
A lot of our traumas live in our bodies
I'm healing, my business is growing
Everything you need it's within you
Every single people carries traumas
Noticing your sensations with compassion
Acknowledging instead of ignoring
"Every trauma is the same to our body, it really doesn't matter what the story is"
"Get comfortable with your body, just notice it and your sensations and ask yourself: what am I sensing?"
"Everything that you're feeling, everything that comes true, the trauma and the way that you behave, makes sense"
About Marina:
Marina Yanay-Triner is the compassionate somatic coach. She works with people who are disengaged with life, burnt out and checked out, to support them in experiencing more joy and aliveness in their lives. As a trauma-informed coach, Marina works with clients to go deep into the roots of behavioral patterns that hold them back from experiencing life to its fullest, looking at childhood-rooted beliefs, emotions, behavioral patterns, and the unconscious to create massive transformation. Marina forms a powerful and deep partnership with her clients in which they use body-based somatic approaches including mindful self-compassion, nervous system regulation, and emotional healing to support a connection back to the body, strengthen their connection with their instincts and intuition, and flourish!
Friday Jul 29, 2022
What does it really mean to be successful
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Success…that is a word that gets thrown around so much and so often.
We hear it growing up from our parents, schools, comparing ourselves to those around us, from society.
You get to do this and that to be a real success.
Yet, have you ever paused to ask yourself what success really means to you?
Not to your parents, friends, partners, society.
What would success look like and feel like to you?
We are all wired to have different perspectives, desires and wants.
It gets to be applied to success too.
Your success gets to come from your soul.
It gets to come from the deepest parts of you when you are truly feeling fulfilled, alive and satisfied.
Success to me is to be healthy, in love with myself, my life, my partner, to be loved and supported and to know that I am making an impact, legacy in this world by empowering women to align personally and professionally with their soul’s purpose. That I am abundantly paid to be me, so I can do what I desire when I desire it. And to share this abundance and prosperity with the world.
That’s what true success is to me.
What does success mean to you, my love?
True success that comes from your soul?
Ps. If you are ready to rediscover your soul’s purpose make sure to join us on a soulful success experience
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Learn how to access akashic records with Mia Millonzi
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
On this episode, we talked about:
Akashic record: an energetic blueprint of all your lifetimes
Giving guidance and direction
Blueprint of one soul
Re-writing your story
Being fully aligned with who you really are
Reprogramming your subconscious mind
Seeing beyond your limiting beliefs
"Every record that is ever happened on earth is stored in the akashic record, so everyone has an akashic record"
"If someone's not real with themselves, how would they be able to channel their records?"
"Accessing your akashic records really gives you a vision and a perspective of reaching your highest and holiest potential"
About Mia:
Mia Millonzi is an Akashic Record Channel, Akashic Mentor/Teacher, Intuitive Angel Messenger, Multidimensional Energy Healer, Angel Channel, and Harpist.
An Angel Embodied on Earth.
Mia’s mission here is to bridge Heaven on Earth through the Akashic Records providing a safe container of heavenly light for souls to heal, evolve and grow into their highest and holiest true potential. She is here to serve Humanity through the Akashic Records, 1:1 Mentorships (where you can become a certified Akashic Records Practioner), Connecting your soul to God Consciousness + The Akashic Light, Wisdom, Knowledge and Healing.
Mia is a Divine Channel of The Akashic Records + Multi-Dimensional Quantum Healer anchoring, Heaven On Earth. Her mission here is to bring forth and provide access to the profound healing, messages and wisdom that are channeled through when accessing the Akashic Records. Since 2018 Mia has given over hundreds of thousands of healing akashic sessions/readings. Mia is also gifted with all 4 ‘Clairs’ clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance as well as studying the Akashic Records from The Center of The Akashic Records. She started giving healing Akashic sessions in the heart of Sedona, Arizona. Mia has dedicated her life to being a guardian/teacher of the Akashic Records and this universal knowledge, wisdom and truth. The Akashic Records are available to all of us, at any time, and she is dedicated to being the clearest oracle and channel for The Akashic Records, her clients and herself. When accessing the Akashic Records we are shown a higher perspective of the true self.