Welcome to the Unapologetically Abundant podcast. I will take you on journey of self-worth discovery by elevating your energy and connecting with your soul, while offering simple steps and tools you can use right now, to create a healthy and empowered life you love!
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
How to Use Media to Create Bigger Impact with Terri Huggins
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
In this episode we talked about:
- My instant connection with Terri
- Terri’s biggest accomplishment
- Deciding who you are everyday
- Owning your life and your impact
- Making it on mainstream media
- What you need for the perfect pitch!
- Ask for that newsletter!
- Where you can find Terri
"It is okay to live a life that other's don't understand, because it is your life"
"Sometimes what people criticize you the most, is sometimes what's leading you to what you actually need to do"
"People tend to project their fears and insecurities to you, and that's manipulation"
About Terri:
Terri Huggins (she/her) is an award-winning journalist who lives in the constant state of an identity crisis: deciding if she aligns more with her maiden name (Huggins) or her married name (Huggins Hart) at any given moment.
Nonetheless, she’s excelled in following her calling of telling much-needed stories in popular media, blogs, and newsletters. In the last 12 years as a journalist, she has written for national publications such as Real Simple, New York Times, Parents, Washington Post, Good Housekeeping, Essence, Better Homes and Gardens, What to Expect, amongst others. She's also a frequent moderator, speaker, and panelist on topics relating to motherhood, personal and professional development, race and culture, and disabilities.
However, Terri's most important descriptor is "happy". She is convinced she's figured out the key to living life with no regrets: do what you love, give love, and lead with love, and hopes others will learn to do the same.
PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Friday Mar 24, 2023
5 things you are telling yourself that are holding you back
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
On today’s episode, I am lovingly calling you out on the BS you keep telling yourself that keeps holding you back.
Too often we get into our heads and let our thoughts vs our hearts lead us.
Today I am sharing with you 5 things you are telling yourself that are holding you back and how to overcome these lies you have been telling yourself up until now.
It’s time to shift how you are thinking and feeling about yourself and your biz so you can create the desired results in your life and biz.
I am also sharing with you a way to change this from a strategic and also spiritual place so you can see the power of mindset and energetics in one.
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
How to align with your purpose with Lianna Kemmerer
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
On this episode, we talked about:
Taking care of your mental health is important
The best thing you can do is invest in yourself
It's not about the how, it's about the who
Don't be afraid to step into a place for you
We are all of the same value
"Being willing to see myself, my hurt, fear and desire forward so I can move that barrier"
"Know yourself, know what you're supposed to be doing and own your place in this world"
"Success happens when you succeed, and succeeding is hitting whatever goal that you have set for yourself"
About Liana:
Liana is one who wears what most of us would believe to be a lot of “hats,” but for her, each one is a facet of what life has created her to be. She is a coach, a writer, a podcaster, world traveler, Freediver, and storyteller. She believes in using her words, her work, her podcast, and her platform on social media to share both her experiences and the perspectives of those she meets around the world. She is a mom of 4 girls and is reminded everyday that the way we live demonstrates to our children what is possible for them; and so she continues to grow her business as an entrepreneur and creator coach, a podcaster, writer, and travel curator. Lianna loves pursuing her hobbies as a free-diver, part time jiu jitsu competitor, and overall active human, and hopes that we all remember it’s never too late to learn something new. Lianna is one who deeply values human connection, the choice we each have everyday to see what beauty is present in the world, and remind each other what is possible in this life when we work hard and value others.
Connect with Lianna: https://instagram.com/thisworldmyview
Friday Mar 17, 2023
How to Easily Shift When You Are Feeling Low Spirit
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
What is your relationship with journaling?
Is it as wild as mine? LOL
I know that journaling is such a powerful tool, and when I use it literally creates miracles in my life.
Yet there are days, weeks that I resist it. Like I feel like it is one more thing to do…
So it is for me like a wild dance. Now I love you... Now I don’t. 🙈
Yet, recently I committed to journaling again. Because I do know the power it holds.
Three ways I am journaling these days:
- 20 things I am thankful for now and why
- Manifestation steps for my biz offers (promoting 1:1 coaching - calling in soulmate clients, promoting mastermind Richly Rewarded - calling in perfect participants, etc)
- Check-in with aligned actions
The 3rd one is new to me and so powerful.
I created this practice after I was inspired by my mentor who does something similar.
To shift how are you feeling and to create aligned action you can follow these steps:
Ask yourself:
- How are you?
Write down your honest current state of being. No filtering, no fear, just free writing. - What would make it better? What do I desire instead?
Write in one sentence or phrase. - How can I make that happen?
Write actionable items that would make it happen or what steps could you take.
It is so important that we continuously check-in. So you are feeling heard and in flow.
What is your relationship with journaling?
Ps. Remember our Richly Rewarded mastermind is opening on March 23rd.
It is for women who want to bring more ease and abundance into their biz and to be abundantly paid for their gifts.
Learn more information below:
Would LOVE for you to join us in this sacred and supportive container!
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
In this episode
- Bringing crystals to meetings
- Having a full heart
- Being yourself AND profitable
- Where to find Trish
“My heart is so full of seeing where I was before and now I evolved into something way bigger”
“ You’re the director of your orchestra, the music of your life”
About Trish:
When I say having a podcast is a life changer I meant it.
Being a guest on podcasts and having my own show for over 4 years now @unapologeticallyabundant created for me the most amazing connections and clients.
Trish found me on a different podcast and sent me a DM on IG to share with me that she resonated with me right away after the first listen.
After a little chatting on IG we jumped on a call and I was amazed by Trish’s amazing energy and how tapped she was into manifestation and showing others a different way to see the world and things.
Yet she was also not confident about owning her gifts. She was working as a real estate professional and was separating her woowoo side from biz.
Through our work together she was able to confidently tap into her gifts, get clear on who she desires to work with and how and also wear her gifts on her sleeve.
Realizing that the abundance is made when we own who we are.
Now she is passionately guiding buyers to manifest their dream homes through the law of attraction and is also teaching other real estate professionals how to attract their soulmate clients.
Trish shared with me that last year she hit all her life and biz goals and this year was the most successful year she has ever experienced.
Imagine yourself fully tapped into your gifts, knowing you are making a difference in other peoples’ lives while being abundantly paid to be you.
What would that feel like? What would that be worth to you?
PS. Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗
Thank you so much for your love and support!!
Link to review is below:
Friday Mar 10, 2023
My Number 1 Tip for Relationship Success
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
The one thing that could make or break our relationship is a tool we are still using even after 5 years of loving relationship.
See, at the beginning of our relationship, we realized with Christopher that what we pay attention pays off.
You can’t just attract your dream partner and then that’s it.
Relationships require work, that’s how they can work.
Yet it doesn’t have to be hard work (you know I am all about ease and simplicity).
We designed a weekly relationship review with a few questions that helped us to go deeper, to feel seen, heard, and understood.
Even if it felt uncomfortable, it helped us to shed a light on little things that could grow with time into big things that could make our relationship hard.
So often we dismiss the “small stuff”. Especially as women, we feel like we are here to nurture and we get to be the nice girl who sucks it up.
All wrong!
Share the small stuff, share what could be better, share how you are feeling, share where you desire more support and see how much closer you can get.
These are the actual questions we ask each other and take notes every week:
What made you feel more connected?
What inspired you to grow this week?
What made you want to pull back?
What is your favorite memory from far away and recent?
When did you feel the most loved?
How can the other support you more in following through in business/productivity?
On a Scale of 1-10 how would you rate the other person showed up this week? And how can they make it 10?
Remember, when I teach my clients about abundance, it isn’t only about how to create a legacy with their biz, bring in more money…
Abundance is living your life holistically on all levels with feelings of richness as health, fulfillment, freedom, impact AND relationships.
Do you have any relationship rituals that help you go deeper into your love?
Share with me on IG :)
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
How to Step into 5D and 7D Reality as Entrepreneurs with Livia Devi
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
On this episode, we talked about:
- We are not alone anymore
- Everything, in reality, is a co-creation
- Learning how to flow in the universe
- We are here to redefine success
- You came here to be you
- Having a need of self-worthiness
- Claiming who you are unapologetically
- You can choose to stay present
- Becoming aware of your emotional body
- Reconnecting to yoursel
- Disconnect from the collective realities
- Abundance comes from self-love
- "Looking within and ask yourself: what is that incredible frequency that I am right now?"
- "The beauty of awakening and ascension is finding who you really are, embodying yourself fully"
- "The process of reconnection is the process of reconstruction"
About Livia:
New Earth Leader, 5D Mentor, Entrepreneur.
Livia Devi is leading empowering, transformative and paradigm-breaking programs and activations for the global community of entrepreneurs, conscious creators, change-makers, thought leaders and influencers. Co-creating her teachings with an advanced collective consciousness from 7D, the Arcturian Council of Light, Livia is a catalyst for the New Earth and a new era of technological advancement and evolution of consciousness.
Friday Mar 03, 2023
How to start owning your gifts and be richly rewarded for them
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
I am not sure where you grew up and what was modeled for you, yet for me I was taught that we get to work really hard, to hustle, to keep proving ourselves to be worthy.
It might have been the Eastern European mentality or it might be the times when we were born.
To think that life is hard, and that you get to do whatever it takes to survive and go through the motions.
Yet time has changed.
And I know you are feeling it, you are seeing it, you are experiencing it.
We, as women, can speak our truth, live our soul’s purpose and along the way create riches of the heart and also our bank accounts.
Still, I see so many powerful, gifted and amazing women not fully owning their gifts.
They are still not showing up fully, unapologetically and think that it has to be hard to live a life of their desires.
Is that really true?
How about you choose a new reality for yourself today?
How about you ask yourself these questions and go deeper than ever before?
Am I owning my gifts?
Am I allowing ease in my life?
Am I feeling richly rewarded for the energy and wisdom I am sharing in the world?
Am I feeling supported, seen and safe in living my soul’s calling?
It is only when we are radically honest with ourselves and we look at what is and isn’t working.
We release the hard work, overwhelm, and hiding mentality and fully step in and up.
No more hiding, it’s time for you to be richly rewarded for your gifts!
And if this is deeply resonating within you I invite you to check out our mastermind Richly Rewarded where we guide you through generational healing and help you to create world-changing abundance with ease.
You can see details below and when you apply you also get access to our live training on how to Breakthrough your B.S. Beliefs that were holding you back.
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
How to overcome guilt and fear with self acceptance with Jessica Piff
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
On this episode, we talked about:
Finding my purpose
Start learning and expanding
Being consumed by negative thinking
Being disconnected from the past
Knowing your true self
Connecting with myself
Being ready to have a partner
Finding the partner that you want to find
Getting clear on your ideal life
Embody the qualities that you're looking for
Everything is energy
"Abuse comes in many forms, it doesn't have to be only physical abuse"
"How do you feel in your body? Is there unease in your body or is there stillness?"
"What you put out in the world, is what comes back to you"
About Jessica:
Jess is a love embodiment coach who helps people overcome fear, guilt, and shame through self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love. She helps people see their deep childhood wounding through the lens of their relationships and gives them tools and practices to embody radical self-acceptance and self-love so they can become their most authentic self! She is currently trotting the globe as a digital nomad with her Australian husband Cameron and together they love creating content and making an impact on the world!
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Breakthrough your B.S. Beliefs to create world changing abundance
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Did you notice it yet?
That no matter what level in your life or biz you are there are these creepy beliefs that are keeping you smaller?
I noticed it in my life and also in my biz with my clients and women who book their Abundance Activation Process calls.
They are powerful, brilliant, gifted, amazing, yet, they are not embodying it fully!
So, I needed to dig deeper, to understand, to change it, to create a better way.
That’s why I am hosting a free masterclass Breakthrough your B.S. Beliefs where I teach you my proven method on how to Reveal, Remove, and Replace your B.S. Beliefs so you can create world changing abundance and freedom you so deserve.
This is not your average masterclass that you attend, feel better on a call and your life stays the same.
We are going deep my love, and after the call you will:
Overcome limiting beliefs that are keeping you at the same place.
Create clarity on how to attract and keep more abundance in your life.
Own your gifts unapologetically and call in “HEAVEN YES!” clients and opportunities.
Join me LIVE on March 8th at 11:00 am pst OR watch replay :-)
Excited to see you then!
You can register here: